Saturday, December 4, 2021

Top Ten Anime Villains

10. Tomura Shigaraki

One of the main antagonist of My Hero Academia, along with All for One, Tomura Shigaraki, started of as a boring, cookie-cutter villain to me, a villain who just wants to destroy everything and everyone. 

What makes Shigaraki unique however, is that, He IS supposed to be a worthless villain at first, because that's what he is, a villain in training.

The first clue to this is when they commented how young he is. 

Unlike most anime villain, Shigaraki still has room to grow at the start of the series, he grows with the main character. While Izuku learns more what it means to be a hero, Tomura realizes his mistakes as a villain and as the series goes on, he becomes more dangerous and more careful with his plans.

Tomura went from street villain who has to wary of teachers to becoming a threat to the entire Hero Society and in the future will most likely surpass even All for One himself. becoming the symbol of fear and destruction


9. Garou

Garou like Shigaraki is a villain who grows as the series went on, however unlike Shigaraki who grows along with the hero, the hero of One Punch Man Saitama, is already overpowered. so in this instance the villain is the one who has to get stronger to catch up to the heroes. Garou challenges several Dojos in the One Punch Man verse and eventually the Hero Association itself. this idea seems crazy considering there are many overpowered heroes in the series, and Garou when he first appeared seems to be just some thug with some martial arts skills. However he continues to grow and break through his limits beating several heroes even if they gang up on him. it even comes to a point that you want to route for Garou to win due to how disadvantage yet dedicated he is to destroy the heroes.

For most of the Monster Association Arc, we follow Garou rather than Saitama, and his character gets develop even further. it turns out Garou is a victim of bullying as a kid for feeling sorry for the monsters. Garou felt that the monsters who worked so hard easily gets beaten by the heroes. Garou felt an unfairness in the Hero Society, where heroes gets praised for beating villains, even though those villains put more effort than the heroes. It eventually becomes his goal to become the Ultimate Evil that no hero can beat. to simply put, Garou values those who works hard for their goals, hence why among heroes, the one he respects the most is his master Bang, who has no supernatural powers but achieve strength through training alone.

This part of Garou will eventually come into conflict with Saitama, Saitama pretty much has the ultimate plot armor "I'm strong that everybody and I don't know why", this will definitely clash with Garou who has been working hard all his life to become the strongest monster. The Strongest Monster and The Strongest Hero will clash. 

8. Lucious Artorius Castus a.k.a Azkeladd( AzkeChad)

Very tempting to put this man much higher in the list, love him very much. but in the end he is simply the foundation of the series, and at the end he really is no longer the villain, but becomes more like the mentor of the main character.

Azkeladd is a very interesting character, a man who kills for money yet considers people as slaves of money, his men kills and rapes women, kills children and old people. he doesn't mind mas murder yet hates wants people to have a goal in life. he is very well versed in history and always has a plan. Even though he is the one killed Thor, he shows his respect to him. In the end he even admits that had always hated his men, he abandons them to be killed and became the King's adviser. the odd thing that despite him being responsible for Canute and Thorfin falling into misery, he ultiamately made them into much stronger person. Canute became an actual King and Thorfinn became an actual warrior. 

The way Azkeladd controls Thorfinn is also interesting, everytime he orders Thorfinn, the prize that Thorfinn will get is that he gets a chance to kill Azkeladd in a duel. ultimately Azkeladd grew sick of this and told Thorfinn why he can't kill him. Also killing Azkeladd had becomes Thorfinn's goal most of his life that the moments he is gone, Thorfinn has no idea what else to do with his life.

There is so much more that can be said of Azkeladd but I'll stop here.

7.  Fuhrer King Bradley

Although not the actual main villain of the series, Fuhrer King Bradley is undoubtedly the greatest villain of the series. He is the sin of Wrath, one of the seven Homunculis, the Leader of the nation Amestris. unlike other Homuncilis though, Bradley has no regeneration and immortality. aside from his Ultimate Eye ability, he is simply a beastly warrior.

From the start of the series, Bradley was already suspicious and we get to see him do some things behind the scenes. among all the villains he and Kimblee are actually the one who gave the Elric brothers so much trouble due to his position as the Fuhrer. Bradley pretty much has his eyes everywhere.

Despite being loyal to Father, he does find the action human amusing, his entire life being planned out even before he was born, he find it amusing when things don't go according to plan. something that Pride, doesn't take too kindly.

Bradley is a better villain than father because he is an actual leader, he know his country and his men, when Bradley went missing, Father shows up to be in charge, however it is clear that Father has no idea how to lead the army. Father just couldn't lead them the same way Bradley did even with Homunculis and an undead army. When Bradley returns he pretty much turn the tables on the rebels. he simply decided to solo the army by walking into the front door.

Bradley is so nasty, that even after fighting an army, a tank, a cyborg, a master ninja and a homunculi. he still manage to capture Mustang and completes Father's plans despite the setbacks. A dying Bradley then fought Scar to the death, Scar is supposed to be reserve to assist in fighting against Father himself. Yet a dying Bradley nearly killed a freshly upgraded Scar who only manage to win with some sort of Divine Providence.

In the end Bradley died satisified, smiling, despite his crimes unlike most homunculis, who dies screaming. Truly one of the greatest.

6. Makoto Shishio

Makoto Shishio the Main Antagonist of the Kyoto Arc, considered by many as the best Rurouni Kenshin Story Arcs.

Makoto Shishio is pretty much the perfect villain, he has a plan, a backstory, an army, loyal elite groups, a secret lair, an ideology of his own and of course an evil laugh.

Makoto Shishio was Battousai's successor after the Tokugawa Era. However once peace was established, the government decided that he knew too much and decided to kill him, by stabbing him and burning him alive. he survived though, and now he is hellbent in turning the entire world into Hell itself. for years he plotted to take over the government and turn Japan into a land of killers where he rules supreme. pretty hardcore if you ask me.

Shishio is firm believer of the survival of the fittest, this is in contrast with Kenshin's belief that the strong must protect the weak. their belief ultimately clash at Kenshin's fight with Seta Soujiro, who believes Shishio's creed yet is puzzled by Kenshin's resolve not to kill.

True to his creed, Shishio proves that he is indead the strongest by beating the hell out of everybody. Shishio puts an interesting point of view in his fight, If he wins he is right and if he lose Kenshin is right. In the end Shishio died due to his burns and it is presumed that Kenshin is right all along. But Might is Right is not Kenshin's belief, that is Shishio's belief, it makes you wonder was he right?

In the end Shishio decides to take over hell itself in the afterlife. and laughs at how weak the land of the living is.

5. Johan Liebert

Johan Liebert the titular Monster of the series Monster, is aguably one of the best anime villains of all time. He is viewed as the Anti Christ itself. and he does deliver that expectation

His name isn't really Johan, that's one of the many names he's taken. an unknown monster set to devour everybody, that's what Johan is. In this list Johan is probably the best master manipulator, he manipulates people with just a few carefully placed words. either they work for him, kill themselves or to to become his unwitting pawn. this model looking man is a danger to society itself. The Mafia, the Nazis and other people with evil intentions try to outwit Johan only to fail miserably. 

He is so good with what he does, it makes you think if this man really is the Devil himself and has supernatural powers. But in reality he is jusy really good planning things.

The man known as Johan Liebert is a product of a Eugenic experiment by Franz Bonaparta, to create the future leaders. the experiment becomes too successful. Johan as a child went on a killing spree.

Despite being called a Monster by several individuals throughout the series, Johan is actually not a complete Monster, he does value Dr. Tenma and his sister. At the end of the series, when all his memories are finally intact and Nina forgives him for all his crimes, he does seem, for a moment, regrets his actions, before deciding to proceed with his plan to kill himself.

Though not a complete Monster Johan remains one of the greatest anime villain of all time.

4. Grifith

Grifith, the leader of the Band of Hawks, and Guts close friend at the start of the series.

There's much to be said about Grifith so I'll just try to summarize it.

Grifith is ambitious, smart, cunning and ruthless, a man willing to do anything to achieve his goal. he is very disturbed when things don't go according to his plan or when people don't follow his expectations. Nevertheless he is a master tactician, he would have gotten his way if it weren't for his relationship with Guts.

After being tortured, Grifith only gets worse, he sacrificed his men and friends to become one of the Godhand, becomes a demon overlord, rapes Casca and tortures Guts. Casca and Guts survives but they are scarred for life by the events.

However Grifith isn't done yet, after becoming the Godhand known as Femto, his actions lead to the merging of the two worlds. causing humanity to be nearly wiped out. Ironically it was Grifith who provided them safety so he cam create his own kingdom. which he now rules as a God.

You can argue that Grifith pretty much already won in the series.

3. Shinobu Sensui

Shinobu Sensui, the main  antagonist of Chapter Black.

Shinobu Sensui is Yusuke Urameshi's predecessor. He was the Spirit Detective before Yusuke and he took his job VERY seriously.

Unlike Yusuke, Sensui has a very strong sense of justice. However, there is a problem with his point view. He has a very black and white point of view in the world. Humans are good and demons are evil. And Koenma said one day it sprinkled with gray. 

In one of his missions. he encountered something that broke him. humans torturing demons for their selfish desires. this shattered Sensui's view. he ended up killing everyone both humans and demons. he then dissapeared.

Years went by and Sensui plans to open a hole from demon world to the human world. his goal is to exterminate humanity itself.

What makes Sensui such an interesting villain is that he has seven different personalities. which keeps him pure. when Sensui killed humans and demons for the first time. he created a new personality Kazuya, in effect, Sensui didn't kill anyone. hence he remains pure. His purity os solidified when he uses Sacred Energy. one requirement to use The Sacred Energy is you need a strond desire to correct the world, yet Sensui wants to destroy humanity.

So is Sensui correct in his goal?

Another achievement of Sensui, is he actually manages to kill the main character. he killed Yusuke. When the main cast gang up on him. Despite their power ups due to their anger at Yusuke's death, he still beats them. Even when Yusuke is revived as a powerfull demon, he still beating him. it requires the intervention of the strongest demon king to kill Sensui.

2. Meruem

Meruem, The King of Ants, destined to rule over all.

Unlike most Arc villains. Meruem only appeared at the second half of the Chimera Ant Arc. The Chimera Ant Queen is the central Antagonist of first half of the Chimera Ant Arc.

Despite that, Meruem is one of the, if not the greatest anime villain of all time. 

Despite his power, he seeks what it means to be King and to know what he is. he struggles between being the King of Ants and being a human. 

When he first appeared, he just kills anyone he deems an eyesore. he sees himself as superrior to everyone. But after experiencing defeat at the hands of komugi, he learns the potential of humans. he begins to change.

While he still sees himself the ultimate being to rule over all. he decides to let some humans live to see their potential. he said it himself "I will create a world so equal that the concept of inequality it self will dissappear".

While Meruem is a villain, he is so much more, he is pretty much humanity itself looking at the mirror. He wonders why they beg for mercy when the animals they kill and eat cry and beg for mercy as well. He thinks killing many and savng a few is mercy. basically Meruem is humanity's reflection and it turns out they don't like what they saw.

In the end Meruem found what completes him, and that is Komugi, in effect he beat humanity who cannot escape from their violent tendencies and squabble for power.Meruem spend his last moments happily.

1. Younger Toguro

My #1 villain is Younger Toguro. Years have went by and I saw many anime villains I still think he beats them all.

Toguro is a villain who pretty much planned the growth of the protagonist himself. he is responsible for Yusuke Urameshi turning into some troubled street punk into someone who actually cares about people. Yusuke entered the Dark Toutnament wanting to settle a score. But he came out of the tournament valuing his friends, family and even saving the world the threat of Toguro and Sakyo's plans.

Toguro in his desire to make sure that Yusuke doesn't end up like him. set up events that would not only strengten Yusuke physically and in terms of power. But also strengthen his resolve. For the first time Yusuke experienced grief.

 Toguro put them upnin an environment where they will grew their trust and bond with each other. Then he shows that he take any of them away, anytime he wants, by killing Genkai. This changes Yusuke

And by changing Yusuke he ends the curse of the Dark Tournament with the victor wanting a selfish wish. because in the end Yusuke's wish was have Genkai back. He even granted Hiei's wish as bonus. killing every administrator of the Dark Tournament.

Even then we still don't know the scope of what was going on in Toguro's mind. For some reason he decided to go to Hell without proper explanation with us and other chatacters just guessing why he did, what he did. 

Toguro a broken man and an eternal mystery. He is my #1 villain.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Noblesse: 432 Review: Muzaka hasn't fully recovered yet and Tantara vs Frankenstein begins!

Noblesse 432 begins with Uzhir still being unable to comprehend how them against Muzaka was such a one sided fight, despite being modified werewolves.

Muzaka makes it clear to them that they are not really warriors and that they haven't really surpassed the previous warriors. Despite them sacrificing their own kind for experiments.

Muzaka explained that they were only close in power to becoming a warrior and that they became warriors after being modified and gaining new powers. Unlike the previous warriors who became warriors through training, they can't use and don't how to really use their new powers since it doesn't belong to them in the first place, they only surpass the previous warriors in ability but not in skill and experience.

Uzhir of course cannot believe this, he even thought for a moment that their decision to gain stronger power and sacrifice their own clan in the process was a wrong choice.

Of course in the end he doesn't accept this. Muzaka also invites to face him one more time. and both of them summons huge wolves, they really didn't explain much about what this power is.

Uzhir in the end is of course naturally, overwhelmed by Muzaka. but Muzaka mentions that his regenerative powers are still not the same as before, so this guy is still not at full power. he thinks its still probably due to with his fight with Raizel 820 years ago.

After his fight Muzaka then ask Kentas if all the current warriors have all became warriors after obtaining their new power. Kentas said that it's not exactly the case, around half of the warriors accepted the new power after becoming warriors, Muzaka asks if a werewolf name Tantara is one of them. Kentas confirm Muzaka's suspicion and Muzaka said that it would have been troublesome if Tantara really did gain even more power too.

It turns out that Tantara is the werewolf that Frankenstein is facing and he is confident of his own abilities. He claims that despite losing his two allies, the result will still not change and that he is different from the rest.

Tantara then attacks Frankenstein and begins to transform saying that he will be the one sending Frankenstein to hell.

My Reaction.

Unbelievable, Muzaka despite being able to own several modified werewolves casually is still not at full power. In Uzhir's last moment he wonders if his decision was really right and ask his Lord Maduke, now I wonder if Maduke is aware of the setback of being modified before becoming a warrior. it seems Maduke really did a good job in manipulating the minds of the entire werewolf race. Maduke might attack Muzaka along with warriors that are already warriors and obtained even new powers.

Now, its interesting that Muzaka is particularly worried about this Tantara, it seems he really one of the strongest werewolves and that Frankenstein might be in trouble. I wonder if he will be forced to use his contract with the Noblesse again. This Tantara also looks really badass. he's quite confident that he can take on Frankenstein by himself. Somehow I don't want Tantara to die, I hope he becomes an ally in the future. he seems to be at least an honorable warrior.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

My Top Ten Evil Bishounens

10. Alois Trancy(Kuroshitsuji)

Though, not really a canon character(though, he might still have a counterpart in the original manga, it's still too early to say). Alois does have a lot of fangirls. In his debut, he is seemingly being portrayed as someone who is even more messed up than Ciel. Poking his servants eye, disrespecting his own family and treating them horribly, like their nothing. Like Ciel he did made a deal with a demon, and wants revenge against Ciel, since he thinks that it was Ciel who is responsible for his friends death.

Alois is last since in the end, he turned out, to be not really as cold hearted as Ciel and is even just more of a spoiled brat who didn't know his place. Nevertheless he is more evil than your average kid in an anime story.

9. Ciel Phantomhive(Kuroshitsuji)

When you made a deal with a demon to gain nothing but revenge, it does qualify as somewhat evil, since there is always a thin line between justice and revenge that can go wild. Well, Ciel did just that, and only as a child. Like Judal, he is also a spoiled brat due to his noble heritage and high status in society being an aristocrat himself. Despite his age he has already killed people and ordered to kill many of his enemies. Ciel, is the Queen's Guard Dog, the one who disposes the enemies of the Queen, and Ciel is doing it efficiently at the moment.

Under the guise of being the head of a toy making company, Ciel track down and disposes any one who might be a threat to the empire of Britain, take note Ciel is doing all of this despite being just a child, it's enough to send shivers to anyone what he will be like in case he grows up and he's revenge is still not fulfilled.

8. Lelouch Vi Britannia(Code Geass)

Though Lelouch is not completely evil and has good intentions at the end, he does have lots of moments that makes him look like a genuine evil overlord of the world. Lelouch Vi Britannia is here because, though it can be argued that he did regret his actions at the end and tried to make up for it, He still cause a huge war and manipulated many people in order to get what he wants. He made the war look like a fight to liberate the Japanese people but in truth all he ever wanted was revenge against Britannia.

His continues use of Geass to manipulate the wills of the people are also clearly immoral and he knows it. He also doesn't mind killing his own flesh and blood if he suspects they have something to do with his mother's death, ironically it was him who put an end to her when he found out that she was still alive in some form and is just using him.

7. Light Yagami

Light Yagami, like Lelouch, hopes for a better world. unfortunately unlike Lelouch he lost his way and considers everything he does to be right in the end. Light Yagami was originally just a genius high school student until he found the Death Note. Since then he decided to become a God and kill all those he deems as "evil". He later became knows as Kira, meaning killer. Not only did he became self righteous, he even sacrificed his own family and friends for his plans. at the end of the series, light is already so messed up that he feels that he is invincible, his overconfidence eventually cost him his downfall. Nevertheless, it took L, Near and Mello to finally caught him, with L and Mello dying in the process. Light is definitely one of the most dangerous evil genius of anime.

6. Judal(Magi)

Judal, on being a bishounen, I think it is without question since he has an army of fangirls from the moment he appeared on a mangga page and on screen in anime.

Judal, loves war, that alone already qualifies him as someone who is evil. Judal has already killed people at a young age and loves to make people feel absolutely bad every time he opens his mouth. He is also later revealed to be a huge spoiled brat, being raised by Al Thamen for him to get anything he wants and was not thought any values or manners. I hope he doesn't change any time soon.

5. Izaya Orihara(Durarara)

Being the closest thing the Durarara series can have to a main antagonist, Izaya Orihara, the informant of Shinjuku and Ikebukuro definitely qualifies, as an evil bishounen. Though there is some issue whether he can be classified as someone who is "evil", everything he did to was intentional and he clearly knows or at the very least has a general idea what's the result's gonna be, and that is them creating a huge war in the entire city, all of this just for his own amusement and best Shizuo of course, that's just a bonus though.

Izaya is probably my favorite character in this entire list since its not really that hard to love him. though he's a jerkass or rather the King of all jerkass, he does it all in a very sarcastic and funny way, at least most of the time. However, there are times that he can be very scary, when his plans started involving a lot of innocent people. However, despite him being my favorite there are bishounens out that are far more evil than he is.

4. Yami Marik(Yu0Gi-Oh)

One of the most iconic villain not just in Yu-Gi-Oh, but in anime history as well, along with Yami Bakura. Yami Marik despite being a pure force of evil, has a lot of fangirls, It seems people love sadistic, crazy psychopaths. Yami Marik is born from the culminated hatred of Marik Ishtar, a being bron from the darkness of someone's heart, unfortunately for Marik, Yami Marik has no intention of letting that be the case. Yami Marik wants to be the original Marik, he can only accomplish this by destroying the real one. 

His goal is quite simple after that, in his own words, destruction, chaos and bring everyone into the very depths of the shadow realms where the only thing that they can feel is despair and suffering. All of this from a villain from an anime about a card game, Yami Marik truly knows how to be evil.

3. Yami Bakura(Yu-Gi-Oh)

Probably the main villain of the Yu-Gi-Oh series, and the most well known in the entire franchise. Yami Bakura wants nothing more but to bring hell on earth, the destruction of not just the world and to cause chaos in time and space by changing history itself. Yami Bakura's true identity is that of Zork Necrophades, the legendary dark lord. Yami Bakura wishes to revive his full powers once again by collecting all seven Millenium items and bring forth darkness across the world. Yami Bakura is the most ruthless and persistant of the villain in Yu-Gi-Oh, they just can't kill him no matter what.

While seemingly a lesser threat than both Pegasus and Marik at first, Yami Bakura disproves this by outliving them both and becoming the final villain of the series.

2. Nakago(Fushigi Yuugi)

Though, I'm not really a die hard of Fushigi Yuugi, I must say, I like Nakago very much as a villain. he turned a love story into an all out war and even brought a lot death and manipulation in it. Without Nakago, it's really just a love story between Miyaka and Tamahome, which is boring by the way. Nakago is a love to hate villain. you love him, for how good he looks and how he does it all, you'll hate him if he ever does it all to you, cause he can make your life miserable.

1. Naraku(Inuyasha)

Naraku, without a shadow of a doubt, for me is the most evil of all the bishounen like villains. this guys is the main antagonist from the very beginning, as in even 80 years before the actual start of the series. Naraku has made nearly everyone's life in the Inuyasha series miserable. also, before, there was a an Aizen Sousuke, an Orochimaru or Blackbeard, there was a Naraku, its quite possible that he influenced the concept of villains such as Aizen, Orochimaru, Mard geer and even Elder David in Magi. Naraku was the original bad guy who is responsible for everything and just won't die no matter how much you hate him. He always, always, manage to find a way to escape death. He has an awful lot of tricks and an awful lot of sins.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Izaya and Namie, A Crazy Relationship

So this is about my favorite two partners in crime, Izaya and Namie regarding their relationship, since their both very interesting villains, a King and a Queen. A Joker and an Ace. both are good at what they does. he who loves humans and she who loves her brother, both are obsessed.

Izaya Orihara is rich, handsome, independent, strong, athletic, highly intelligent and is obsessed with all of humanity, he will do screw up as many lives as possible just to get the reaction that he wants from them. he is the mastermind behind many of the events that happened in the series and is Shizuo's rival for life. In short he is strong, intelligent and crazy.

Then Namie

Namie Yagiri is intelligent, independent, beautiful and knows how to defend herself when it all comes down to it. Being the former head of the Yagiri Pharmaceuticals, Namie is not only capable of managing an entire company on her own, but protect, stalk and spoil her little brother at the same time, all while hiding illegal experiments on humans and on Celty's Head. Namie is perhaps the first villain of Durarara along with Izaya.

Despite being an Izaya X Namie fan myself, their relationship might not be really what Izaya X Namie fans are hoping for. it might be more complicated than a mere girl loves boy type of relationship.

Although Izaya X Namie fans are of course always hoping for something like this.

We will always get something like this.

But this still begs the two question for me.

First, Does Izaya "love" Namie?

Though, he did say that he loves Namie the same way he loves his precious humans, we know, his definition of "love" is how a child loves his toys rather a good relationship kind of love. but I think he does "love" her more than others. Izaya to me, seems to enjoy Namie's company, teasing Namie all the time about her brother since he knows that she is absolutely obsessed with Seiji. Most fans said that this is to turn her away from Seiji, but I think this is to fuel her obsession with Seiji. Izaya might see Namie as someone who is obsessed with a human, not all of humanity like himself, but at least Namie is obsessed with a single human. Namie, without even noticing it herself is similar to Izaya. 

They are both obsessed, and Izaya loves this, hence why he likes keeping Namie and respects her. He see's her as someone who is as close as a companion as he can get.

In a way Namie does fill an empty void within Izaya

Second is, Does Namie has any feelings for Izaya?

Love, probably not, sorry to say. but she does seem respect Izaya to a certain extent. she does consider Izaya's skill as an information broker since she went to him when his men and the police failed to find his brother.

She did also once called him "the king that she serves". so she does recognize him as her boss and superior. Despite Namie's bossy attitude, she does show some slight fear towards Izaya.

Namie also knows quite a lot about Izaya's personal life. She knows that Izaya is incredibly annoyed at his two sisters and that Izaya is lonely. She does use this against him when she can. Izaya later calls her "a force to be reckoned with", further gaining more respect from Izaya.

So maybe in the end a romantic Izaya and Namie relationship isn't really possible, as Izaya is to obsessed with his love with the rest of humanity and Namie to obsessed with her love for her brother. Izaya would not even love Namie in the off chance that Namie falls in love with him, since Namie is no longer interesting for him, she would be just a normal human for him. while Namie will never like Izaya due to her own pride and her own obsession with her brother. Perhaps the best thing that we can hope between them is respect and interest in each other's secrets and weaknesses. But certainly will most likely never have a romantic relationship as they are just too damn crazy.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Manhwa Villains Who Can Give Manga Villain a Run For Their Money

There have been a lots of good villain in Korean Manga lately, though many are familiar with the like of Freeza, Aizen, Naraku and Blackbeard. There are villains in Manhwa(Korean Manga) that can give them a run for their money. this guys are certainly not far from some the most evil villains that we are familiar of.

Dr. Crombel(Noblesse)

Dr, Crombel is one if not the main antagonist of the Noblesse series. At first look perhaps he might give the impression of a professor due to his calm posture and intelligence.  

But Dr. Crombel is many things. First it is thought that he is just a Mad Scientist loyal to a secret organization known as the Union, then it is revealed that he is also a powerful modified human himself. And later on as it turns out, Crombel is not so loyal to The Union and is planning to take over himself, he has spies in every branch of the organization, he knows everyone's moves.

Crombel sneaky nature is perhaps what makes him to be such a frightening opponent, he doesn't fight himself, he uses other people for himself and always get the spoils once all is done. Despite being able to fight Frankenstein, Crombel is far from the strongest. this makes him different from the other villains. Although he is powerful, he still prefers to manipulate others to do the dirty work for him.

Another thing about Crombel is how he outwits many other intelligent villains in the series. Even though Crombel is not part of the betrayal against the Noblesse, he is definitely catching up. At this point he is already responsible for many events and conflicts that happened in the series and he has always manage to get away with most of it.

Sang Man Duk (God of High School)

One of the main antagonist of the God of High School, Sang Man Duk also known as Bishop Caliose, is quite capable of being a magnificent bastard himself. He is a type of an overly religious villain, to the point that he wants to exterminate all of humanity due to them being filthy creatures, ungrateful towards the gods. He basically wants to conduct Armageddon. 

It's still not exactly clear whether he is really loyal to the gods or just wants Armageddon since he really hates humanity as a whole for reasons yet unknown.

Sang Man Duk might be insane but one thing he has is charisma, his followers are absolutely amazed at him, they are more loyal to him than their actual leader The King, since the King doesn't really do much most of the time and it is Sang Man Duk who conducts the actual plans of their organization.

Ignes Kravei(Noblesse)

This bitch gets lots of points as one of the most hated character in the series, its not that hard to hate her. She has harm and conducted brutal experiment on many of the series favorite characters such as Rael, Regis, Seira and lately M 21 who has an army of fangirls, as pissed as hell at Ignes. Ignes along with the late 9th elder is responsible for many of the monstrous experiments conducted by the Union to increase their power, it is said that she has mastered all of the 9th elder's science and with the death of her father Roctis, she now has a Soul weapon of her own. 

Rachel(Tower of God)

One of the main villains of the Tower of God series. she is like Ignes is one of the most hated character in her own series. She not only betray Baam but many other innocent characters as well. Rachel is definitely not to be underestimated, she already manage to fool Koon not once but twice.

Lagus Tradio(Noblesse

Another villain from the Noblesse series. Despite his short appearance in the series, Lagus Tradio is the one who has conducted the most damage so far. He killed a clan leader, heavily damaged Lukedonia and worn out the Noblesse life force once again in their single fight. He not just other Nobles but his fellow clan members as well.

Hoaqin(Tower of God)

One of the main villain of the Hell Train Arc in Tower of God, Hoaqin. not only did he sacrifice his own brothers and sisters to gain more power, he sacrificed 1 billion people for himself and conducted War in order to achieve all the necessary souls he need.

The King(God of High School)

One of the main villain of the God of High School series. the king for centuries have been using humans for millions of years to take away their life force and add it to himself and his followers. He is responsible for many wars throughout history in order to kill many humans so that he can take away their souls or life force, this certainly qualifies him as someone evil.