Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Manhwa Villains Who Can Give Manga Villain a Run For Their Money

There have been a lots of good villain in Korean Manga lately, though many are familiar with the like of Freeza, Aizen, Naraku and Blackbeard. There are villains in Manhwa(Korean Manga) that can give them a run for their money. this guys are certainly not far from some the most evil villains that we are familiar of.

Dr. Crombel(Noblesse)

Dr, Crombel is one if not the main antagonist of the Noblesse series. At first look perhaps he might give the impression of a professor due to his calm posture and intelligence.  

But Dr. Crombel is many things. First it is thought that he is just a Mad Scientist loyal to a secret organization known as the Union, then it is revealed that he is also a powerful modified human himself. And later on as it turns out, Crombel is not so loyal to The Union and is planning to take over himself, he has spies in every branch of the organization, he knows everyone's moves.

Crombel sneaky nature is perhaps what makes him to be such a frightening opponent, he doesn't fight himself, he uses other people for himself and always get the spoils once all is done. Despite being able to fight Frankenstein, Crombel is far from the strongest. this makes him different from the other villains. Although he is powerful, he still prefers to manipulate others to do the dirty work for him.

Another thing about Crombel is how he outwits many other intelligent villains in the series. Even though Crombel is not part of the betrayal against the Noblesse, he is definitely catching up. At this point he is already responsible for many events and conflicts that happened in the series and he has always manage to get away with most of it.

Sang Man Duk (God of High School)

One of the main antagonist of the God of High School, Sang Man Duk also known as Bishop Caliose, is quite capable of being a magnificent bastard himself. He is a type of an overly religious villain, to the point that he wants to exterminate all of humanity due to them being filthy creatures, ungrateful towards the gods. He basically wants to conduct Armageddon. 

It's still not exactly clear whether he is really loyal to the gods or just wants Armageddon since he really hates humanity as a whole for reasons yet unknown.

Sang Man Duk might be insane but one thing he has is charisma, his followers are absolutely amazed at him, they are more loyal to him than their actual leader The King, since the King doesn't really do much most of the time and it is Sang Man Duk who conducts the actual plans of their organization.

Ignes Kravei(Noblesse)

This bitch gets lots of points as one of the most hated character in the series, its not that hard to hate her. She has harm and conducted brutal experiment on many of the series favorite characters such as Rael, Regis, Seira and lately M 21 who has an army of fangirls, as pissed as hell at Ignes. Ignes along with the late 9th elder is responsible for many of the monstrous experiments conducted by the Union to increase their power, it is said that she has mastered all of the 9th elder's science and with the death of her father Roctis, she now has a Soul weapon of her own. 

Rachel(Tower of God)

One of the main villains of the Tower of God series. she is like Ignes is one of the most hated character in her own series. She not only betray Baam but many other innocent characters as well. Rachel is definitely not to be underestimated, she already manage to fool Koon not once but twice.

Lagus Tradio(Noblesse

Another villain from the Noblesse series. Despite his short appearance in the series, Lagus Tradio is the one who has conducted the most damage so far. He killed a clan leader, heavily damaged Lukedonia and worn out the Noblesse life force once again in their single fight. He not just other Nobles but his fellow clan members as well.

Hoaqin(Tower of God)

One of the main villain of the Hell Train Arc in Tower of God, Hoaqin. not only did he sacrifice his own brothers and sisters to gain more power, he sacrificed 1 billion people for himself and conducted War in order to achieve all the necessary souls he need.

The King(God of High School)

One of the main villain of the God of High School series. the king for centuries have been using humans for millions of years to take away their life force and add it to himself and his followers. He is responsible for many wars throughout history in order to kill many humans so that he can take away their souls or life force, this certainly qualifies him as someone evil.

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