Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Magi: What is Arba Planning?

Okay, this is about Arba's plan, what we know about the witch so far, first we know, and are quite sure that she's absolutely evil and crazy.

Even before she met Solomon she was already a loyal follower of Il-Illah, her one and only God, she was never truly loyal to neither Solomon nor Elder David. she raised Solomon in order to kill David because she thinks that David has been stealing powers from Il-Illah this whole time and when Solomon sealed Il-Illah she became totally insane with the taught that Solomon replaced her God and sealed Il-Illah. Her devotion to Il-Illah was so strong that she became obsessed with reviving her God once and for all. she didn't care how long or what it takes. In Alma Torran, it seems that her solution is to destroy the world that Solomon created, at least for, with Solomon now replacing Il-Illah, the Alma Torran after Il-Illah was sealed is now a world created by Solomon.

She accomplish this by creating an Army of Dark Djinn and gaining her followers of evil magicians that eventually became known as Al-Thamen, together they created the Medium and summoned Il-Illah whose now dyed in black rukh into the world of Alma Torran, destroying in the process, with only a few survivors. Arba however in the final battle with King Solomon was sealed with the rest of Al-Thamen, and now she's back into the current world as "a being made of only thought", and as according to Yunan, after thousand years of tenacity, is no longer a human. 

What was originally thought was the she;s planning to do exact same thing in Alma Torran, to destroy the current world by summoning Il-Illah to the current world. but it seems her plan this time is far more convoluted than what was originally thought.

First, what is her "plan" and who is "That Person"?

It's also revealed that she not only see's that person but hears that person's voice as well, she also considers everyone to be blind and deaf because they cannot see or hear "That Person"

It has not been specifically revealed who this person is, but many thinks its actually elder David, we are not really sure yet.

But aside from "That Person" there is also another thing that she keeps on saying, according to her the most important thing to her is "it". to the point that "it" is the only thing that she listens to.

"It" could very well be Il-Illah, and "That Person" might be Elder David, but the thing that makes me doubt this theory is that, when Arba and met Elder David, she never mentioned anything like "yes you are "That Person", Elder David" but rather she just straight calls him Elder David. and rather than "It" she calls Il-Illah as "them".

We still only manage get few clues on what this witch is planning. we know that she is still loyal to Il-Illah, and not to either Elder David or even Sinbad.

For now the only that I can think of is "It" is the voice of Il-Illah and "That Person" is a whatever David and Sinba will be once Il-Illah is revived. but that's still a very premature hypothesis. either way Arba still has a lot of tricks up her sleeves and is most likely gonna bring more despair and destruction in the future.

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