Thursday, August 11, 2016

Magi 316 Review: Elder David On The Move, Finally! What Is He Planning

Magi Chapter 316 started out quite surprisingly, with Sinbad talking to Elder David himself.

David taunts Sinbad that he is afraid that the world is turning away from his ideal world and that they more similar than Sinbad originally thought. As Sinbad created his Syndria Trading Company to stop wars and slowly make nations disappear, Elder David notes that this is the same reason that he created the Ganuds that subjugated the other species in Alam Toran. Both SSinbad is absolutely furious of this comparison. But David continues on saying that they are both a singularity, being who can see the flow of destiny. David tells that both their life are lonely as no one understand them, and not to avert his eyes on destiny, the end of the world, that Sinbad needs to become a God.

even more surprising is that THERE IS ANOTHER KEY TO THE SACRED PALACE! what the hell is it? I'm hyped for it.

another interesting this chapter is Arba, she once again mentions her need to meet "That Person" at first we thought that its Elder David but now it seems "That Person" is really someone else, someone that Arba wants to meet no matter what, that she will even work for Elder David even if for her its worst than death itself. It seems at the end of their conversation Elder David gave an order to Arba.

Sinbad and Alladin also finally meet again in this chapter with Sinbad admitting defeat, since if Arba can't defeat Alladin, then even Sinbad can't which means Arba might be more powerful than Sinbad or their power is just really close.

Alladin also gave Sinbad his thoughts on destiny, for Alladin destiny is simply everyone's hopes dreams as a collective, even Sinbad's desire to erase war from this world and even to simply make others happy. though Sinbad seemingly concedes and appears to agree with Alladin's views, this is not the case as in private, Sinbad still maintains that he is the only one who knows how the way the world works and that only he can save it.
As Sinbad talks to David, on how David usually lectures him on the naivety of first class singularities, Sinbad find out that he can no longer hear Elder David's voice
So, we got a few clues of Elder Davids Plans and how he influences Sinbad. Alladin's answer is actually pretty good for most people as it can define as something that is not predetermined but depend on  people's own will and desire. unfortunately Sinbad and David(and maybe even Arba) views destiny as something that is predetermined, hence this is where their views conflict each other. Lots of question are also raised on this chapter. What on earth is Elder David planning? How come Sinbad can no longer Elder Davids voice? Who is the person that Arba wants to meet? What is the other key towars the Sacred Palace aside from Solomos Wisdom? So many hype for this chapter

We also find out that Sinbad's intentions are still good in the sense that he wants to save the world except he wants to do it by becoming a God, a Celestial Dictator of some sort, who tells how the world will go. anyone against him is unjust. I hope Alladin can correct him on his views as Sinbad seems to be really just under the influence of Elder David

Arba is also not done yet, she is now fully working with Elder David but still has some goals of her own. there's still a lot of mystery about her character.

Very good and interesting chapter over all, probably 9 out of 10 for this chapter. hope we finally get to see Judal soon, I miss him already.

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