Tuesday, August 16, 2016

One Piece: Possible Arcs After the "Vs The Four Emperor's Arc"

One Piece is probably one of the most unpredictable shounen manga out there, unlike other shounen manga's like Naruto and Bleach, where fans do get to predict what's gonna happen next, One Piece despite going on for such a long time already, still has a lot of surprise in store for its fans. But that still doesn't stop us fans from trying to speculate what's gonna happen next because its fun anyway.

So here I would like to talk about what other Arcs could be possible after the currently on going "Vs The  Four Emperor's Arc".

A Mariejois Arc.

For a while I'm one of those people who agree that an Arc involving Mariejois might be saved till the very end of the manga, and that the final war will occur in here. After all this place is far too important, with the World Nobles, Gorosei and World Government Commander in Chief Kong being here, as well as the Reverie being held in this place. But lately I think we really might get an arc or a at least a small arc focused on Mariejois. Due to 3 reasons that I can think of.

1. The Reverie is about to be, or is already being held in the manga. Its possible that something important is about to happen during the meeting that could disrupt the balance of the world.

2. The World Nobles have been revealed as the one that's really in charged in the world government, their even higher than the Gorosei, but i don't think their a good final villain, so they might get taken out before Akainu and being the the leader of the Marines the largest faction of the World Government he could becomes its leader through emergency powers, depending on the situation. This Theory does bring lots of problems though.

3. This place holds some important secrets that is most likely related to the Void Century, but its still not the final island, but it might contain important information what really occurred during the Void Century seeing that the Gorosei do have have some knowledge of it.

A Raftel Arc

Another possible Arc with the revelation of the Road Poneglyph is that we might actually get a Raftel Arc. They could actually get all the Road Poneglyph in the current Arc and find the location of Raftel next.

A CP-0 Arc

This organization is getting a lot of hyped lately, being involved and playing a huge role in Dressrosa Arc. Their also tailing the Revolutionaries themselves, Dragon even warned his men to watch out for the Cipher Pol as its gaining a lot of strength lately. They were also involved in the fight against the Revolutionaries and the Blackbeard Pirates. We might get to know more about them soon, and they might even have their own personal plans. We still know very little about them at this point aside from their new members Spandam and Rob Lucci, but they do seem to be very dangerous and at least Admiral level in power given that they serve the World Nobles directly.

The Last Road Poneglyph Arc

With the last Road Poneglyph's  location being unknown, we might also get an Arc in search for the last important stone, since it seems that even the Four Yonkou's don't know where it's located. The location of the last Road Poneglyph might be difficult to go to and is worth being an entire arc since the revelation of Raftel's location and how to get there might be too surprising.

A Monkey D. Dragon Arc

With Dragon's disappearance and the Revolutionaries HQ being destroyed, Dragon might actually make his move soon. In his last appearance he did ask to call all the top leaders of the Revolutionaries. We're still not sure if he and Luffy are gonna get along when they meet, after all Dragon is the leader of the revolutionary and Luffy is the future Pirate King, they might have some disagreements on their principles.

Enel's Return Arc

This is much unlikelier than the others, but I'm just hoping that Oda didn't show Enel's Space Adventure for no reason. Enel might still be relevant to the overall story, since he found an ancient kingdom that seems to have important secrets of its own. He might return on his own or the Straw hats might have some reason to go to Space and encounter him, I wouldn't put this beyond Oda to do as they did manage to go to Skypiea, there might be a way for them to get to Space. If Enel does return, I hope he have some new tricks against Luffy and his crew.

Note:This are just my thoughts and it all could be wrong since Oda Eichirou is a very good writer and very unpredictable, I'm still surprised that the Kozuki Clan are the ones who made the Ponegylphs, I did not see that coming at all. Most likely there are more surprise from Oda

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