Thursday, August 11, 2016

Noblesse and Bleach Villains: Yhwach and Lagus Tradio, Villains of Death and Destruction

This is about two villains who I find to be somewhat impressive lately, they might be some of the most successful villains to date.

First, is Yhwach, main antagonist of the final arc of the Bleach series. Father of all Quincies, Ancient Evil type of villain. being the father of all Quincies, he is the natural enemy of all Shinigamis. He is taught to have been defeated 1000 years ago, but actually survived and is planning his revenge the whole time. Yhwach is responsible for more death and destruction than any other Bleach villains. Yhwach is set to recover his power, heart and mind after 999 years. This is achieved by taking away the lives of weak Quincies and adding it all up to Yhwach. a method called Auschwalen.

When his revival was completed, Yhwach wasted no time and invades Hueco Mundo and enslaved all the Hallows. shortly after that he begins his long awaited war with his hated foes the shinigamis. Commencing a surprise attack, the shinigamis were almost powerless against his army, not only do they not know how Yhwach army invaded Seireitei, but they also don't know how the Quincies are stealing their bankais. With the shinigamis being unprepared and confused, the Quincies manage to kill hundreds of Shinigamis in the few seconds after their attack. Yhwach also manage to personaly kill Yamamoto Genryusai and his Sternritters manage to fatally wound many of the Gotei 13 captains, while his soldiers pretty much destroyed Seireitei itself.

In his second invasion, Yhwach manage to surprise the shinigamis again, though they are more prepared this time, Yhwach prove that he did not underestimate them, since all of his sternritters are capable of fighting against captain class shinigamis with their bankai activated. Not only that this time several Captain class shinigamis already trained themselves to their highest potencial yet, his army still gave them a hard time. Even worst we found out that for every Quincy that dies, their soul goes to Yhwach, their father, extending his life and making him more powerful. so everytime that Shinigamis beat a Quincy they get wounded and weakened as Yhwach grows stronger.

When Ichigo finally arrives in Soul Society after his training with the Zero Division, Yhwach reveals that he is waiting for him as not the barriers towards the Soul King's Palace is now temporarily open. Yhwach then proceeds to go to the Soul King Palace itself. and as usual leaving destruction in his wake.

Altough, the Zero Division blocks his path when he arrives, Yhwach reveals that he is again ready for them as he reveals his own Elite Guards of his own.

In a deceptive battle, when his own Elite was beaten by the Zero division Yhwach conducts Auschwalen on his non elite Sternritters and Soul Society. killing them while reviving and strengtening his own elite. In the  battle between the Zero Division  Head Captain Ichibei Hyousubei, the first Shinigami, the one who is above all other Shinigamis, and Yhwach, the Father of all Quincies, the son of the Soul King, Yhwach reveals his true power

As the Almighty, Yhwach can see the future and change whatever threat that is against it, as long has he has seen it, it becomes powerless before him. Yhwach then proceeds defeat Ichibei while his Elite defeats the rest of the Zero division. Yhwach then proceeds to go to the Soul King himself to kill him.

Though ichigo manage to chase Yhwach to the Soul King Palace, Yhwach still manage to succeed with his goal and became the new Soul King himself

I will stop with Yhwach here as this is his great accomplishments, and his defeat is not even certain, not to mention that it is not even believable to begin with. But, I think I made a point already what kind of a villain he is, he is a no-nonsense villain, who will go straight for the kill rather than resort to games and complicated plans. not that he can't come up with good plans of his own, as a matter of fact he's a pretty good strategist himself. he can took his enemies best and still destroy them, anything thrown at him or those that gets in his ways are eliminated he's a nearly unstoppable villain.

Now the other great villain is this guy Lagus Tradio from Noblesse, a famous korean manhwa. Lagus Tradio is an even more ancient evil than Yhwach, since being a member of the Noble Race, he is possibly thousands if not million of years old already. Lagus is the former head of the Tradio clan on Lukedonia. Among the traitor clan leaders Lagus is probably the most ambitious if not the most evil. In his short appearance in the series, Lagus has done quite a lot as a villain.

In his first appearance he showed disrespect with the werewolves that he allied himself with, even on their Lord. He is an opportunist, when he find out that many of the current clan leaders are not in Lukedonia, he decided that its finally time to return and invade his homeland.

Lagus is also without mercy and is quick witted, when they spot one of the clan leaders Rajak Kertia, he decided to dispose of him immediately, ganging up on him despite each of them being as powerful or even more powerful than Rajak alone. Lagus played a huge role on Rajak's death and showed no remorse after his death even enjoying his last moments of suffering.

After killing Rajak, Lagus wasted no time at all, he finally goes to Lukedonia, and to keep the attack a surprise he destroys the barrier protecting Lukedonia and it ability to alert the nobles when intruders come. Lagus and his men then begins to hunt down the Nobles one by one.

As his men begins to hunt down the nobles, Lagus returns to his clan and took leadership once again after such a long time, his daughter Claudia the one acting as the clan leader the whole time in his absence and other clan members now bows before Lagus in his return.

After some time Lagus and his daughter then targets Gejutel one of Lagus old friend. Lagus immediately poisons his old friends by stabbing him with a poisoned attack and dragging him along as he wants him to witness the fall of the new Lord of Nobles, Lagus and his fellow traitor Nobles Gradeus and Edian then proceeds to attack the new clan leaders. Although they succeed in beating the new clan leaders, their ally werewolves who met and couldn't defeat the new Lord of Nobles, Raskeia, led her to Lagus. Since the werewolves aren't loyal to Lagus they figure that it would be better if Lagus and the Lord fight each other.

Too bad for the new Lord, Lagus and his fellow traitors are now more powerful than they are 500 years ago and proceeds to defeat the new Lord, all while Lagus taunts her just how weak she is. 

When Lagus is finally about to suceed Frankenstein and later on his master the Noblesse, Cadis Etrama Di Raizel finally arrives to the rescue.Though Lagus is at first confident that he can defeat the Noblesse as well, he, the other traitors and the werewolves are all completely outmatched by the Noblesse

Lagus then is forced to use his trump card the Blood Stone.

The Blood Stone is a forbidden item among the Noble Race and is guarded by the Noblesse himself, when Lagus came back to Lukedonia, he stole the Blood Stone in Raizel's mansion. it turns out Lagus is well aware of the history of the stone and that Raizel's brother was killed by rai himself due to the usage of this stone since it has the power to drive anyone greedy for more power. Lagus then used this stone and fought rai toe to toe

Though, with the Blood Stone Lagus greatly increases his powers, he is still hopelessly outmatched by the Noblesse in terms of power. he then reveals than he has another trick up his sleeves, by sacrificing his clan members and absorbing their powers, Lagus becomes even more powerful. Lagus shows that he cares very little for the life of his own clan member just for the sake of gaining more power. his daughter Claudia who is finally sick of all the insanity betrays his father and saves their clan members from Lagus. This did not stop Lagus, he then attacks both the werewolves and the other wounded clan leaders to take their powers, although in taking the power and life force of the werewolves, Lagus powers is greatly enhanced by just devouring three werewolves. As Lagus decides that he will devour everyone.

He is stopped by the Noblesse, only this time Lagus is more powerful than before, and for the first time in the entire series of Noblesse, Raizel is overwhelmed in battle and is heavily wounded by Lagus who is now mad for power.

With him proving his might he decides to finishes of Raizel once and for all, only for him to be saved by one his fellow Traitor Clan Leader, Edian

Lagus then reveals that Edian was under his control this entire time and is just using her a s apuppet for his plans. she somehow manage to overcome his control due to her love for Raizel. with Lagus being as evil as ever he decides to grant Edian's of being with Raizel by finishing both of them together. Unfortunately the Noblesse still has more power left, and now completely angry with Lagus Tradio, proceeds to unleash all his might and destroy Lagus once and for all. with his last dying breath instead of repenting like the other traitor clan leaders, Lagus told them that the Nobles would one day become extinct due to them isolating themselves from the rest of the world. 

Though Lagus died, Lukedonia will never be the same again, Rajak is dead, other clan leaders are wounded, Raskeria knows just how weak she is, the Noblesse is weakened once again due to his fight with Lagus. Edian was just used the whole time and died, everyone is heart broken with the deaths and are all damaged by Lagus invasion. an impressive villain overall for me. 

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